What Is New in Claude 2?

Claude 2 is more Powerful than ChatGPT-4?

Claude 2 stands out with its enhanced capabilities, offering improved performance, longer responses, and accessibility through both API integration and a new beta website, claude.ai.

Claude 2
Claude 2

Notable advancements have been made in coding, math, and reasoning when compared to its predecessor, Claude 1.3. For instance, Claude 2 achieved a remarkable 76.5% on the multiple-choice section of the Bar exam, a significant improvement from Claude 1.3’s 73.0%. In comparison to college students applying to graduate school, Claude 2 outperforms, scoring above the 90th percentile on GRE reading and writing exams and aligning closely with the median applicant on quantitative reasoning.

Described as a friendly and enthusiastic colleague or personal assistant, Claude 2 accepts natural language instructions to assist with various tasks. Businesses can access the Claude 2 API at the same price point as Claude 1.3. Additionally, individuals in the US and UK can start using the beta chat experience right away.

As part of ongoing efforts to enhance performance and safety, Claude’s input and output capabilities have been extended. Users can input up to 100,000 tokens in each prompt, allowing Claude to process extensive technical documentation or even entire books. Claude can now generate longer documents, ranging from memos to letters to stories, containing a few thousand tokens in one go.

Advancements in Coding

Claude 2 exhibits significantly improved coding skills, scoring 71.2% on the Codex HumanEval Python coding test, up from Claude 1.3’s 56.0%. On GSM8k, a comprehensive set of grade-school math problems, Claude 2 achieved a score of 88.0%, an improvement from 85.2%. Future plans include a roadmap of capability improvements for Claude 2, to be gradually deployed in the coming months.

Enhanced Safety Measures

Efforts to enhance the safety of Claude 2 have been a priority, focusing on minimizing harmful or offensive outputs. In an internal red-teaming evaluation, Claude 2 demonstrated being 2 times better at providing harmless responses compared to Claude 1.3. While acknowledging that no model is completely immune, the implementation of various safety techniques and extensive red-teaming has significantly improved Claude 2’s outputs.

Claude API in Action

Collaborating with thousands of businesses, Claude 2’s API is making waves in various applications. Jasper, a generative AI platform, has integrated Claude 2 to scale content strategies, highlighting its strengths in long-form, low-latency applications. Sourcegraph, a code AI platform, utilizes Claude 2 to enhance its coding assistant, Cody, providing more accurate answers and increased codebase context with a 100,000-token window. Partnerships like these showcase Claude 2’s prowess in delivering enhanced semantics, up-to-date knowledge training, improved reasoning, and the ability to remix content seamlessly, making it a valuable tool for businesses seeking cutting-edge AI solutions.